Ben & Jerry’s Supports GMO Labeling Movement

As the movement to label genetically engineered foods continues to gain momentum in 2013, national food brands are making sure to voice their stance. Just Label It is happy to partner with Ben & Jerry’s, the latest company to come out in support of the growing consumer movement for transparency.
According to Ben & Jerry’s website, the company not only stands with mandatory GMO labeling, but has plans to source only non-GMO ingredients for all of their products by the end of 2013:
“Currently, in the United States and Canada, 80% of Ben & Jerry’s ingredients by volume are already non-GMO and 26 of our flavors are fully non-GMO (see list). We commit to sourcing non-GMO ingredients for all our products everywhere by year-end 2013. In fact all our products made in Europe are already non-GMO.
We will track our progress as we complete this conversion, with public updates on this site. Beginning now, and throughout 2013, we will transition packaging so that all Ben & Jerry’s products will be labeled with respect to GMO by 2014.”
The world famous ice cream maker has a long history of siding with consumers and their right to know what’s in their food, including fighting long and hard for labeling of rBGH, which was the first genetically engineered technology used in the US food system.
“All of us at Ben & Jerry’s are proud to stand with the growing movement of citizens, farmers, suppliers, companies, and others, in demanding the right to know what’s in the food we eat,” said Rob Michalak, the company’s Global Social Mission Director.
To learn more about the transition, and the company’s stance on GMOs, click here.