GMO in the Know – September 27th, 2013

A wrap-up of GMO-related headlines and developments.
Senate Funding Bill Strips Controversial Provision on Genetically Modified Crops
The short term spending plan moving through the Senate would eliminate legislative language that allows farmers to continue growing genetically modified crops even if a court has blocked their use. While the House approved a stop-gap funding bill which included the controversial provision last week, a Senate bill championed by Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) explicitly cut the provision, a move that food safety advocates hailed as an important victory.
Are GMOs Worth Their Weight in Gold? To Farmers, Not Exactly
Grist’s Nathanael Jognson examines the economics of farming organically versus farming with genetically engineered crops, and finds that GE seeds may not offer an obvious financial advantage. According to farmer Harn Soper, “On a two year average, organic is still way ahead. The bottom line was that our organic farms have 30 percent higher profits.”
Review: “GMO OMG” plants a lively seed of thought
According to the LA Times, “GMO OMG” filmmaker Jeremy Seifert uses a light, entertaining approach in his survey of the controversial issue of genetically modified organisms. “Conclusive answers are few here, though the featured farmers make convincing, real-world cases for – and against – planting patented GMO seeds. Still, if forewarned is forearmed, Seifert’s movie might one day prove quite prescient.”
Eater Beware: The Next Pink Slime?
Remember “pink slime”? Author Robyn O’Brien thinks a similar issue might be brewing. Americans are learning that something else was quietly slipped into our food: genetically engineered ingredients. And just like pink slime, these ingredients are not labeled.