Just Label It Voices – Tell Us Why You Care!

Recently, the Just Label It campaign invited folks to share their stories about why they are about labeling genetically engineered (GE) foods. To date, over 1,000 people have shared their stories using our online tool. Some of the folks who have been voicing their opinion about why they care include:
Bob C. (Michigan): “For me this is not just about genetic engineering, it is about wanting to KNOW exactly what I’m eating and what I’m feeding my family. If I’m paying for it, I demand to know what I’m buying.”
Chadwick C. (Oklahoma): “I believe as a consumer I am entitled to know about the food I am purchasing; where it comes from, what has been done to it and whether it is genetically modified. Why would anyone want to cover up that it was genetically modified?”
Amber N. (Colorado): “Our food should be labeled so we can make informed decisions about what we put into our bodies and the bodies of our children. It is an American privilege…or right, to be able to make choices. How can we make proper choices when we don’t know what is contained within certain foods?”
Marya Z. (Iowa): “If genetically modified foods are as safe as is claimed then there is no harm in labeling. Consumers deserve a choice.”
J. A. (California): “Significant, life threatening allergies are a part of my family’s genetic make-up and health history. It is literally life or death to know what we are eating and thus accurate labels for every food we purchase is essential.”
To date, more than 600,000 Americans have asked the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to Just Label It—and label GE foods. Join us and let us know why are you passionate about the labeling of GE foods. Share your story with us about what changed the way you think about food and why it’s important to know about the food you eat. Why does this issue matter to you? And tell your friends!