Just Say “Know” to Genetically Engineered Apples

Many of us know the apple as a healthy, doctor recommended snack – however, this fruit’s idyllic image may soon change.
Okanagan Specialty Fruits is attempting to put their new “Arctic Apple” on the market, which has been genetically engineered to avoid turning brown when it is cut or bruised. By turning this popular fruit into an industrialized product that could be sold sliced in plastic bags instead of as whole fresh fruit, it is clear that their true motives are for profit only, ignoring the potential environmental and health risks involved.
Many organizations, including the U.S. Apple Association, have spoken out against the new apple, stating:
“No one is asking for this apple, and the consensus on genetically modified produce is still much too vague for the government or for the general public to feel secure.”
Until now, most genetically engineered foods have been highly processed, and stayed out of the produce aisle. The Arctic Apple could soon change this, becoming the first genetically engineered fruit to make its way into grocery stores, thousands of school lunches, and, of course, Americans’ beloved apple pies.
Over 90% of Americans want to know about the food we put in our bodies and our children’s bodies, yet most of us have not been told about the ingredients in the food we eat. It is imperative we voice our concerns with our food system, and call on our government to give American citizens and their families a right to know what’s in our food.
Help spread the word by sharing the following image on Facebook and Twitter, and join millions in telling the FDA to label genetically engineered foods.
NOTE: Just Label It will also be submitting comments to the USDA regarding the Arctic Apple until September 11th, 2012. Click here to submit your comment and tell the USDA that we don’t need genetically engineered apples!