Just Label It Submits Comment on the Proposed Deregulation of 2,4-D Resistant Corn and Soybean Varieties
Contact: Violet Batcha
(315) 262-5990, violet@justlabelit.org
Washington, D.C. – The following is a statement of Just Label It’s Executive Director, Scott Faber on Dow AgroSciences’ petition to deregulate 2,4-D resistant corn and soybean varieties:
“Just Label It strongly opposes efforts to expand the use of 2,4-D, an herbicide that has been linked to numerous health problems including lymphoma, endocrine disruption and reproductive problems. The proposed deregulation of 2,4-D resistant corn and soybean would expand the agricultural use of this herbicide to more than 170 million pounds per year over the next decade. This deregulation would create significant new risks to human health affecting both consumers and farmers.”
You can view Just Label It’s full comments to the USDA here.